Welcome to Graduate Professional Study in Information Security and Digital Forensics

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The Graduate Professional Study in Information Security and Digital Forensics is first of hopefully many study programs available in English language as part of the internationalization policy of Zagreb University of Applied Sciences for the period between 2014 and 2025.
The increase in mobility can only be reached if Croatian higher education institutions increase their offer of courses, modules and entire study programs in English or other languages. Graduate Specialist Study Program Information Security and Digital Forensics was chosen as the most unique program with no similar programs found in the Republic of Croatia or the nearby region.
WHY CHOOSE SPECIALIST Graduate Study Programme Information Security and Digital Forensics?
With the number of cyberattacks constantly on the rise, the demand for experts in this area has been rapidly increasing. It is estimated that by 2021 there will be a need for 3.5 million experts in cyber security! With an unemployment rate close to zero, it is an area worth considering for your future career.
It will not be long before a certain level of knowledge in this area is considered an essential skill for anyone interested in working in the IT, and shortage of experts opens a window of opportunity for people entering the job market from different backgrounds. Our study program puts strong emphasis on practical work and hands-on knowledge to ensure you are ready to face those challenges!
The main objective of the study is to acquire specialist knowledge and skills of Information Security and Digital Forensics. In addition, students are being qualified to lead projects in the field of information security and digital forensics, develop their critical thinking skills and sense of ethics, improve their knowledge and skills in the field of legislation in the field of information security and digital forensics and communication skills.
At the beginning of their study, students listen to the courses with theoretical and legal foundations of Information Security and Digital Forensics. In the second and third semesters, students are offered elective courses in both fields, and by choice they can determine to a deeper study of information security or digital forensics. In the fourth semester, the student, in cooperation with the mentor, prepares an independent specialist graduate thesis. Classes are organized in such a way that the abilities of independent learning and development are developed, as well as teamwork.


Graduate Professional Study in Information Security and Digital Forensics lasts two (II) academic years through four (IV) semesters. Upon completion of the study, 120 ECTS credits and a title are acquired Master of Engineering of Information Security and Digital Forensics
(abbreviation: (mag. ing. inf. sig.  =   M.Eng.Inf.Sec.).
Study Programme Information Security and Digital Forensics traje četiri (IV) semestara. Završetkom studija stječe se 120 ECTS bodova i zvanje: Magistar inženjer informacijske sigurnosti i digitalne forenzike.


There is no additional program at the study, and the student has the opportunity to choose elective courses to focus on information security or digital forensics.


Upon completion of the Graduate Professional Study in Information Security and Digital Forensics, students acquire specialist knowledge and skills for jobs:
·        analyzing the security of all components of the information system,
·        monitoring and applying legislation in the field of information security and digital forensics,
·        preparation of technical working environment for project / research,
·        testing of information security systems,
·        use of cryptographic methods and tools,
·        testing of software and hardware elements of the system for unauthorized intrusions into the system,
·        research of new technologies for the security system, selection of tools and equipment for application in the information security system,
·        creating and developing of security policy,
·        collection of safety-relevant information, definition and assessment of security risks, probability of occurrence, mitigation of consequences,
·        planning, organizing and implementing measures and actions for the purpose of comprehensive security support to the company,
·        application of ensuring the legal compliance of the information security system,
·        monitoring and supervising the preparation of reports, minutes, records, proposals and programs in the field of information security and digital forensics,
·        management of bodies for the organization and implementation of activities within the scope of corporate security,
·        information security risk and incident management activities,
·        analyzing digital devices and detecting digital traces,
·        proposing procedures for conducting digital forensic analyzes,
·        organizing and managing digital forensic analyzes
·        independent collection, preparation, analysis and visualization of data using the most modern methods and tools (e.g. tools for digital forensics, system analysis, penetration testing, etc.),
·        digital forensics consulting services,
·        training of employees of the organization in the field of information security.
·        Employment is not necessarily limited only to the field of informatics and computing.


 The right to apply is acquired through the classification procedure. The Commission for the Implementation of the Classification Procedure considers all of the applications separately, and decides who fulfils the conditions for applying for the classification procedure. To enrol, the applicants are required to hold a bachelor’s degree (180ECTS) in computer science, or have equivalent work experience if coming from a different background. Familiarity with the basics of programming and basics of computer networks is a must. Applicants from other areas would prove their knowledge with work experience in the field of information or computer security, application development, systems engineering or similar.  Depending on the courses completed in their previous study, as well as the courses that the applicant wants to enrol in the Graduate Professional Study in Information Security and Digital Forensics, the Commission for the Implementation of the Classification Procedure may determine the obligation to enrol and take differentiated courses in Professional study of computer science (up to 20 ECTS credits).  


Vrbik 8 (prizemlje), 10000 Zagreb
Blaženka Lozančić (blozanci1@tvz.hr)
tel: + 385 (0)1 5603 946
Danijela Ležaić, dipl. soc. radnik (dlezaic1@tvz.hr), voditeljica studentske službe
tel: + 385 (0)1 5603 945
Molimo stranke, ukoliko nas nisu u mogućnosti dobiti na broj telefona + 385 (0)1 5603 946, da se obrate na navedene e-mail adrese.
Za više informacija pošaljite e-mail na forenzika@tvz.hr

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