We’re thrilled to launch a groundbreaking project that brings together 5 partners from 4 different countries for a transformative 32-month journey! Erasmus+ project “SEED2STEM” is our commitment to nurturing the roots of tomorrow’s education, intertwining the rich field of agriculture with the dynamic world of STEM.

Our mission? To sow the seeds of curiosity and grow a new generation of eco-conscious innovators and thinkers. We aim to cultivate fertile minds by integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics with the age-old art of agriculture. 🚜💡

Keep your focus as we:

🌿 Sow the seeds of curiosity with hands-on STEM activities.

🌿 Grow knowledge through experiential learning.

🌿 Harvest the fruits of innovation with state-of-the-art educational materials.

Stay tuned as we dig deeper into the world where technology nurtures nature, empowering young minds to become the caretakers of our planet. 🌍

Join the movement. Follow our growth. Be a part of the change! 🌟

#SEED2STEM #FutureEducation #GreenSTEM #YouthInAgriculture #InnovateToCultivate #ErasmusPlus #SustainableFarming

Financed with the funds of the European Union. The expressed opinions and views reflect solely the opinion of the author and they do not have to coincide with the views of the European Union or the National Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting body cannot be held responsible for them.


Oduševljeni smo što pokrećemo revolucionarni projekt koji okuplja 5 partnera iz 4 različite zemlje i uključuje ih u transformativno 32-mjesečno putovanje! Erasmus+ projekt “SEED2STEM” naša je predanost njegovanju korijena budućeg obrazovanja, ispreplićući bogato polje poljoprivrede s dinamičnim svijetom STEM-a.

Naša misija? Posijati sjeme znatiželje i uzgojiti novu generaciju ekološki osviještenih inovatora i mislilaca. Cilj nam je njegovati plodne umove integracijom znanosti, tehnologije, inženjerstva i matematike s umijećem poljoprivrede. 🚜💡

Zadržite fokus jer ćemo:

🌿 Sijati sjeme znatiželje praktičnim STEM aktivnostima.

🌿 Povećati znanje iskustvenim učenjem.

🌿 Ubrati plodove inovacija s najsuvremenijim obrazovnim materijalima.

Ostanite s nama dok krećemo dublje u svijet u kojem tehnologija njeguje prirodu, osnažujući mlade umove da postanu njegovatelji našeg planeta. 🌍

Pridružite se pokretu. Pratite naš rast. Budite dio promjene! 🌟

#SEED2STEM #FutureEducation #GreenSTEM #YouthInAgriculture #InnovateToCultivate #ErasmusPlus #SustainableFarming

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